After a certain age men often have problems with the erection. The question how to increase the efficiency of the men, a concern to many. Such a violation of the male body is a real tragedy. Causes of erectile dysfunction can be stress, sedentary lifestyle, and adoption of performance-enhancing drugs, alcohol, Smoking, insufficient nutrition, hormonal balance.

However, you don't need to panic. There are many different methods of increasing efficiency. To help you manage the problem, we adopt the modern means of the latest generation, well-proven recipes of traditional medicine. A lot of men in the middle years would like to improve the efficiency. The Modern life is affecting men's health. Constant lack of sleep, the fatigue, because weakened erection, libido. Recovery of potency requires time and specific measures.
First, the battle for the erectile dysfunction necessary to observe a few basic rules:
- The regular sexual life. The male sex organs require continuous training. All the people, it is important to avoid prolonged bounce having sex. This ensures the health of the whole body, improve sperm quality, increase the quantity. Regular sex prevents future development of impotence. According to scientific studies, 2003, week, orgasm significantly lower risk of developing prostate cancer.
- Prevention of diseases transmitted sexually. Such infections develop suddenly, quickly. Their presence in the male body can help you identify the appropriate tests. However, not all representatives of the stronger regular screening of Sexually transmitted diseases. Any illness should, because to consult your doctor can diagnose. The defeat after. exposed to not just the sexual organs but the male body.
- Proper nutrition is one of the main methods to fight the erectile dysfunction. A balanced diet increases the potency, libido provides. Products used should contain large quantities of phosphorus, this element has a direct impact on the male health and potency. You need to eat to promote the production of male hormones is required. After phosphorus, the main nutrient for men is zinc. Involved in the synthesis of testosterone. Zinc deficiency in the body leads to quality deterioration of ejaculate, as well as the hearing impaired potency. Also used in food products containing vitamin E. It also provides high male potency and preventing the negative changes of the cells of the genital organs. Proper nutrition promotes rapid relief, problems, erection, restore hormonal balance, help to heal in a short time. How to improve the weak potency of the diet? You need to eat protein foods, honey, nuts, spices, vegetables, fruits.
- The abstinence of alcohol. The less alcohol you drink, the better the efficiency. Many people think that a glass of wine provides the necessary incentive for sex. But it's not. For example, if the prostate alcohol is absolutely contraindicated. In a situation where the exact reason for the weakening of potency, alcohol should be completely avoided from your life.
- Get rid of the extra pounds. Overweight can cause a reduction in potency. Slowly lose weight, start every morning with exercises. Play sports or workout during the day, go to the gym.
- Restful sleep helps rejuvenate the body. Chronic insomnia, fatigue, weakness very negative effect on erectile function in men. It is extremely important that everything is to sleep, to relax after work.
How to increase male potency the natural way

Natural way to increase the efficiency of not only the emphasis the excellent work of the sexual function, but also the general improvement of and strengthening the man's body. To cope with the problem will help you a specially designed set of exercises. In the process of practicing pelvic muscle, which is directly related to the erection. Daily, perform the following simple exercises:
- the rotation of the pool. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips. Rotate the pool, a 10-minute one, then the other.
- step in the place with high lifting knees and press them to the stomach;
- knees slightly bent, hands on hips. Then the knees bend stronger, you should be able to stretch, relax the muscles of the buttocks several times;
- the raising of the pool, lying on his back; the rotation of the feet, go back to bed, exercise bike;
- repeatedly stretch and rest pubic bone coccygeal muscle.
- In addition, the body movement it is important to eat certain foods. Increase the efficiency and provides sustained erection of the penis.
Men need to eat regularly:
- honey;
- garlic in its raw form;
- steamed carrots, milk;
- nuts; beans; chocolate.
Water -as a means to increase the efficiency

Well, it helps to restore potency daily contrast bath for the night. They are a very beneficial effect on the circulation in the pool, as well as strengthens the whole body. To complete the procedure, a bath full of cold water and the warm. Every tank you want to draw the line in a minute.
Gradually increase the difference in temperature. It is important to know that the initially strong decrease in temperature just hurts. You can also use contrast showers as an alternative to bathing. The potency has a beneficial effect, and a sauna. The bath is better to go twice a week to make sure that the birch broom.
Very effective method is the application of ice. The ordinary gauze, wrapped in ice. The matter must first be folded several times. This cold compress is necessary to apply for one or two minutes different body parts. Let's start with the head, ice the skull, in the region of the heart, after the scrotum.
How to increase the potency of folk remedies
Traditional medicine is rich in various effective recipes which will help you to quickly restore the erectile function. The most well-known methods:
- Every day we eat such a treat, love the crushed nuts. Ingredients are mixed in equal parts. The tool you want to use, not less than 1 month. For best effect, wash is a treatment of milk.
- - Help you solve the carrot cocktail with honey. Apiculture products, vegetables, such as carrots, has long been considered an excellent means to the restoration of men's health. Drinking cocktail, you will need ¼ Cup three times a day.
- Prepare a tincture of garlic every day 20 drops.
- Greatly increase the efficiency of the cabbage soup. You need to consume daily in small quantities.
- A decoction of the herbs are to help with the erection. Take flowers, the Basil, the leaves, the nuts, the rhizome of hell. Then to boil 1 litre of red wine, and then pour them on the grass. Ready soup wrapped in a warm cloth, and insist. The tool then filter it before eating 100 ml.
- It is highly effective in the treatment, impotence drug lungwort. The plant should be regularly added to salads, other dishes. Also the bees, take the infusion of dry grass pour boiling water, and then the device.
- Asparagus, infusions, decoction of the maple branch, pine, walnut, pumpkin seed need to constantly use men who have problems in the potential. Such tools help to get rid of this problem.
A healthy lifestyle
The basic rule, if you are dealing with impotence is to follow the correct healthy lifestyle. It is important that the various preventive measures that even older, I don't think that the problems of an intimate nature. Older people often wonder that 60 years ago, to increase the efficiency.
The solution may be to use a variety of methods, ranging from exercise, all the way to the advanced tools. A comprehensive approach to the problem will help you to eliminate erectile dysfunction quickly restore the men to health.
It is necessary to apply a special massage, sports, long walks in the fresh air. You can use the best recipes of traditional medicine and modern innovations, developed by experts to increase the efficiency.
Men of any age are not immune to the problems with potency. The date, it is not surprising that the young male erectile dysfunction.
The cause of erectile dysfunction can be physical injury or stress, what consequences. Problems with potency so unnatural, temporary, and permanent.
Hesitate to see a doctor, men often turn to these synthetic drugs is completely forget what to do erections by using natural way.
A definite plus is the most a synthetic drug - an immediate potency, but keeping some tips about improving men's health, to prevent the problem.
Increased potency natural methods
- First and foremost, the proper diet, which plays a significant role in the healthy functioning of the whole organism. Use of vitamin, fresh from the garden fruits and vegetables - the key to success. People need these vitamins, minerals like C,E, zinc, selenium and b-vitamins Essential in the diet the following products: nuts, honey, garlic, legumes, egg yolks, chocolate, steamed carrots, milk.
- Performing special physical exercises that increase the efficiency, i.e. increase the blood circulation especially in the pelvic organs. Physical exercises so they don't take up too much time, but it's pretty effective.
- The presence of the sexual desire in men is directly related to testosterone, the male sex hormone. Accordingly, the low level of testosterone, it decreases the efficiency, so the sexual performance. The middle-aged men the levels of testosterone gradually begins to decline.
- The main enemy of potency - weight. In addition, the presence of excess weight entails several other diseases, such as diabetes, for example.
- The sedentary lifestyle can negatively affect your efficiency. Ideally, if the professional men are related to physical activity.
- The alcohol, the cigarettes, the drugs, the worst enemies of potency
- The stress, the experience of a different kind of oppressed sexual function.
- Sleep - the guarantee of health, to establish a pleasant, comfortable circumstances, the period may not be less than eight hours.
What kind of natural methods to increase the efficiency?
- Three raw cloves of garlic per day best way to affect the potency
- Useful for the reproductive system or the shorty, what you can eat in any form.
- An application of honey, clean honey, perfectly increase virility. Time tested natural means to increase efficiency, consumption in equal proportions, honey, nuts, walnuts and aloe juice.
- Another effective remedy to increase the period of erection is the most common mustard, which should be applied to the feet. Mustard can cause an active tide of blood to the feet, straight into the genitals.
5 great ways to increase male potency
- Every day eat lots of vegetables, lean red meat, green.
- Regularly to raise the tone by making the bath of the mummy.
- Doing contrast showers or baths the pelvic organs.
- Lead the daily diet of a small amount of walnuts, almonds, cedar, or walnut.
- The daily consumption of tomato juice, a small amount of red wine.